Thursday, July 11, 2013

Dash & Lily's Book of Dares

didn't like it it was ok liked it (my current rating)

Character Li

Dash: Male lead/snarly/bookish
Lily: Female lead/shrilly
Priya: Frequaintance to Dash
Sofia: Dash's ex-girlfriend
Langston: Lily's brother
Benny: Langston's boyfriend
Mark: Lily's cousin
Boomer: Dash's best friend
Edgar Thibaud: Killed Lily's gerbil in elementary
Dov: Friend to Dash
Yohnny: Friend to Dash

The one thing that I love about this book the most is that both authors never planned ahead with this book. They simply emailed each chapter to each other, back and forth. I think this made for an exciting outcome, not to mention how refreshing it was. You could notice the switch between Dash and Lily even without the title of each chapter changing or the font. Instead of the same author for every changed character, you got to have a different author for the main characters which results in noticeable diversity that somehow works perfect with the other.

So, here you have Dash, bookish/snarly Dash, doing what he loves the best. But what would you do if you found a notebook, hidden amongst all the books, would you open it to read or put it back?

This begins the journey between Dash and Lily. Her pushing his buttons and him trying to retaliate, and neither of them sure they want to meet.

I very much enjoyed this book and the humor that seemed to play out in each chapter. I gave it three stars because I very much liked this book and I recommend it to everyone.

Are you going to be playing for the pure thrill of unreluctant desire?

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